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Appliance Repair by AAR Appliance in Moneta, Virginia

AAR Appliance Ratings

Google Business Score
Total votes: 8
Users' Score
Total Votes: 0

About AAR Appliance

If you need contact information about appliance repair company AAR Appliance in Moneta, Virginia, you can visit our website. Our website can provide you the complete information about each department of AAR Appliance in Moneta, Virginia, and you can find the following here: working hours, phone, google map, website, and other contact data. By the way, you can read the latest testimonials about the company. All companies on our website are appliance repair companies, and you can repair your refrigerator, microwave oven, dryer or washer or any other appliance calling them. Also, you can apply on our website, and we will connect you with the nearest and best appliance repair companies in Moneta, Virginia. Just enter your ZIP and wait for a solution!

AAR Appliance Working Hours & Phone & Addresses

AAR Appliance in Moneta, VirginiaAddress:130 Scruggs Rd ste 208, Moneta, VA 24121, United States
Website:There is no Website
Working Hours:Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8AM-4PM
Tuesday: 8AM-4PM
Wednesday: 8AM-4PM
Thursday: 8AM-4PM
Friday: 8AM-4PM
Saturday: Closed
Latest Testimonials
Matthew Holland
In short, I could have purchased and installed another dishwasher for what it cost to repair. Workman was courteous and quick, which is why I was shocked by the cost of install. Part cost was 93, labor was 160 for a total of 55 minutes spent on site included the time of the initial diagnostic visit. And that didn't fix the problem. Second go around, a new pump had to be installed at an additional cost of 221. Granted, I wasn't charged another 160 for the visit, but 480 invoice was a bit hard to swallow and I won't do it again.
They fix all brands including SAMSUNG! The job was done right, and at the right price. Ron K. knew his stuff, was courteous, and prompt.

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