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Appliance Repair by Fix My Busted Computer in Golden Valley, Minnesota

Fix My Busted Computer Ratings

Google Business Score
Total votes: 52
Users' Score
Total Votes: 0

About Fix My Busted Computer

If you need contact information about appliance repair company Fix My Busted Computer in Golden Valley, Minnesota, you can visit our website. Our website can provide you the complete information about each department of Fix My Busted Computer in Golden Valley, Minnesota, and you can find the following here: working hours, phone, google map, website, and other contact data. By the way, you can read the latest testimonials about the company. All companies on our website are appliance repair companies, and you can repair your refrigerator, microwave oven, dryer or washer or any other appliance calling them. Also, you can apply on our website, and we will connect you with the nearest and best appliance repair companies in Golden Valley, Minnesota. Just enter your ZIP and wait for a solution!

Fix My Busted Computer Working Hours & Phone & Addresses

Fix My Busted Computer in Golden Valley, MinnesotaAddress:695 Winnetka Ave N, Golden Valley, MN 55427, United States
Working Hours:Sunday: Closed
Monday: 8AM-5PM
Tuesday: 8AM-6PM
Wednesday: 8AM-6PM
Thursday: 8AM-6PM
Friday: 8AM-5PM
Saturday: Closed
Latest Testimonials
jMatt Keil
Great service. Fast, friendly and helpful. We explored how we could upgrade both of my Mac computers and unfortunately, there weren't too many options other than buy a new one. Good news is cost me 0 to get answers. I appreciate the straight up help. Highly recommend.
Martin Swartzer
I am a 3D graphic designer and I had Steve build my custom pc system for me. I was so impressed with his knowledge and his expertise. I got all the parts that I wanted inside see photos and he explained to me all about the hardware. He did an amazing job! He had all the wires hidden and it looks like an artists' sculpture inside. His skills are beyond the highest level and great service too because he takes pride in his work. I highly recommend Fix My Busted Computer and owner Steve. Thank you Steve for my new awesome pc system. I named it “Storm Trooper” knowing we are both big Star Wars fans.
Edd Simons
I went in for a diagnostic on my laptop that is unfortunately no longer functional, and Steve very quickly deduced what the problem was and laid out a few solutions. Very quick to help, and very good service overall. Would highly recommend!

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