Bay Traders True Value Ratings
About Bay Traders True Value
If you need contact information about appliance repair company Bay Traders True Value in Seward, Alaska, you can visit our website. Our website can provide you the complete information about each department of Bay Traders True Value in Seward, Alaska, and you can find the following here: working hours, phone, google map, website, and other contact data. By the way, you can read the latest testimonials about the company. All companies on our website are appliance repair companies, and you can repair your refrigerator, microwave oven, dryer or washer or any other appliance calling them. Also, you can apply on our website, and we will connect you with the nearest and best appliance repair companies in Seward, Alaska. Just enter your ZIP and wait for a solution!
Bay Traders True Value Working Hours & Phone & Addresses
Address: | 1303 4th Ave, Seward, AK 99664, United States | |
Phone: | 19072248286 | |
Website: | | |
Working Hours: | Sunday: 8AM-7PM Monday: 8AM-7PM Tuesday: 8AM-7PM Wednesday: 8AM-7PM Thursday: 8AM-7PM Friday: 8AM-7PM Saturday: 8AM-7PM |
Latest Testimonials | |
Cecilia Deatherage | BEST STOP to SHOP in Seward....YEAR Around! Mark & Karla don't just cater to the tourist, they cater to ALL their customers! Downstairs you'll find all you need for FISHING, HUNTING & OUTDOOR life, and a wide range of clothes to accommodate all the activities you buy your gear/tackle/ammo for! Plus the YIKES, it really does RAIN in Seward, the tourist 2-day option of rain gear, not just the HIGH-QUALITY gear. There's hardware & tools for many of projects, then upstairs for the practical house wares, office supplies, work clothes, and then the 1.59 section, and so much more. They've though of everything. |
Denise Barlock | Fantastic store and lots of stuff to look through. We really enjoyed looking through the stuff! It's well worth the stop here. |
Candie Graham | This store is awesome. They have everything you might need for fishing, camping, clothing, hardware, paint, rope, knives, charters, bait, boots, gloves, gardening supply, pet supply, touristy stuff, plumbing, tools... there's just too much to list it all. I love this place and would rather visit here then any gift shop in Seward. |